December Partner Letter

  Rory Synoground Ministries International

Pastor Rory Synoground

Dear Partner and Friend,

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

I want to share with you about a night that was far from silent. It was a glorious night filled with activity and wonder—the night our Savior was born. It was the moment when God, in His infinite wisdom and love, gave us exactly what we needed: His Son, Jesus Christ.

"For God so loved the world." It does not say He loved only a select group; it says the world. This is the purity of God’s love, it’s unconditional.  His love is for everyone, believers and non-believers alike.  In that love, He gave His greatest gift: Jesus. Yet, despite this gift, each of us must choose to accept Him. Sadly, many miss the eternal life God offers simply because they haven’t taken that step.

Why did God give us Jesus? Because He loves us. Real love is action—it doesn’t demand or insist on its own way. Instead, love gives, even when it costs dearly. God doesn’t demand us to clean up our lives or prove ourselves worthy to be accepted. He gave Jesus as a gift and met us right where we are.

God’s solution to humanity’s deepest need is not about following rules or earning approval. Instead, He offers Himself—Jesus, the embodiment of perfect love in action. 

When we receive God’s gift, it transforms us. God offers eternal life—ZoĆ«, the very essence of His divine nature. This life transforms the broken, the lost, and the hopeless.  No amount of wealth, success, or worldly achievement can compare to the life He gives.

You might be facing challenges, fear, sickness, or loss. But remember, God’s love is greater than any obstacle. He doesn’t cause the pain we endure, but He does heal it. His love lifts burdens, calms storms, and replaces the chaos with peace.

God’s response to the brokenness of the world was to give, and He calls us to do the same. No matter your circumstances, choose to give—whether it’s time, love, or resources. In giving, we reflect God’s generous heart and align ourselves His will and purpose.

The promise in John 3:16 is clear: “Whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Eternal life is more than a future hope; it is a present reality that heals, restores, provides, and brings true joy. His life makes the broken whole, moves mountains, and transforms despair into hope.

I’ve seen it over and over again—people striving for success only to find it leaves them empty. Without Jesus Christ, even our greatest achievements can feel meaningless. But with Him, every aspect of our lives gains eternal significance.

One unforgettable night during worship, I held my grandson and wept as God revealed to me the precious calling on his life. In that moment, I saw not only his purpose but also the gifts and callings in my family, the people I pastor, and the partners of this ministry. God spoke to me and said, "If they only knew My plans for them, they’d let go of these temporary things, and embrace the amazing, adventurous, and supernatural life I have for them.”

Someone once asked, “If you could do anything in life, what would it be?” My answer: exactly what I’m doing now—serving God and preaching His Word.  It’s not about how much money I make, the house I live in, or the car I drive. All of that is temporary. What truly matters is living for God and fulfilling His purpose.

You have heard this said before; “Life isn’t worth living unless you have something worth dying for.”  The enemy tries to distract us with worldly pursuits, but focusing on Jesus brings strength to face any storm. Like Peter crying out, “Lord, save me,” and was lifted from the waves, we too, can trust Him to rescue and direct us in our eternal purpose.

Faith is the victory that overcomes every trial. God proved His love by giving His very best—Jesus. Never believe the lie that you are unworthy or overlooked. God sees you as a treasure, a masterpiece of His creation. Others may dismiss you, but God never will.

“This is how God showed His love for us: He sent His only Son into the world so we might live through Him.” (1 John 4:9) God’s desire is not to take from you but to give you a life filled with purpose, joy, and peace. Like a loving Father, He wants you to thrive and become all He designed you to be.

The story of Jesus’ birth is a testament to God’s perfect plan. Mary’s faith and obedience set an example for us all. Despite uncertainty and hardship, she trusted God’s Word and His calling on her life. Her journey reminds us that even in discomfort and difficulty, God works miracles in fulfilling His plan.

If God orchestrated every detail of Jesus’ birth to fulfill His promises, imagine what He will do in your life. The same God who moved heaven and earth then is still performing miracles today.

This Christmas, embrace the truth that God’s gift of Jesus is for you. He sees you, loves you, and has chosen you. Receive Him fully, trust in His promises, and watch as His supernatural power transforms every aspect of your life.

You are not ordinary. You are loved, called, and destined for greatness. Let His love fill your heart, His peace guard your mind, and His life awaken the potential within you. Rise up and shine His light boldly, touching lives and spreading hope everywhere you go.

Thank you for your prayers and for the donations you have given to this ministry. I encourage you to stand in faith and believe in a mighty harvest. “Be not deceived God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)   

If you have any prayer requests let us know and we will pray for you. I will continue to pray Psalm 91, Ephesians 1:13-23 and Ephesians 3:14-21 for you and your family. God bless you richly in all things.

Your Partner in Ministry,


Pastor Rory Synoground



Rory Synoground Ministries International / / / 1110 24th Ave SW Austin MN 55912