Mar 3rd, 2025

Understanding God's Plan for Increase: 
A Biblical Perspective 

God has designed a system of increase that works through planting seeds and allowing them to be watered. This divine pattern reveals how God wants to bless and increase every area of our lives.

How Does God View Us?

God is constantly mindful of us and thinking of ways to bless us. Despite the vastness of the universe, He knows intimate details about each person, even down to the number of hairs on our head. He gave humanity dominion over the Earth as a demonstration of His love and desire to bless us.

What is the Garden of Our Heart?

Our heart is designed as a garden meant to receive seeds - specifically the Word of God. When these seeds are planted in good ground (a receptive heart), they can produce harvests of 30, 60, or even 100-fold increase.

How Does the Process of Increase Work?

The process involves three key elements:

Planting (sowing the Word of God)

Watering (through the Holy Spirit)

God giving the increase

What Role Does the Holy Spirit Play?

The Holy Spirit acts as living water that flows from within believers. This spiritual water: Cleanses us from worldly defilement 

Waters the seeds of God's Word planted in our hearts

Produces life-giving springs that flow from our innermost being

How Can We Maintain Spiritual Growth?

To experience continuous growth: 

Stay in God's Word daily 

Allow the Holy Spirit to water the Word in your heart 

Guard your heart against negative influences 

Maintain an atmosphere of praise and thanksgiving 

Keep receiving fresh fillings of the Holy Spirit

Life Application

This week, focus on creating an environment where God's increase can 

flourish in your life.

 Ask yourself:

Am I regularly planting God's Word in my heart?

Have I been allowing the Holy Spirit to water these seeds?

What areas of my life need more of God's increase?


Spend 15 minutes each day this week reading God's Word and then quietly allowing the Holy Spirit to "water" what you've read through meditation and prayer. Watch for signs of spiritual growth and increase in your life as you maintain this practice.


Understanding God's Plan for Increase:

How to Receive and Multiply His Blessings

God desires to increase His children in every area of their lives. This divine principle of increase starts with understanding how God operates through seeds and harvests.

What is God's Role in Increase?

God is the Father of increase and the one who gives increase. He multiplies what is planted and watered. The key is that God increases what we sow - we must participate in the process by planting seeds.

How Does God's Seed System Work?

The primary seed God gives us is His Word. When we receive and understand His Word as seed planted in our hearts, God can multiply it to produce a 30, 60, or 100-fold harvest. The Bible itself is a book of seeds designed to shape our hearts when planted properly.

What Prevents God's Increase in Our Lives?

Fear is one of the biggest barriers that holds Christians back from experiencing God's increase. Many allow fear rather than faith to determine their actions. However, God has given us His Holy Spirit and His love to cast out fear.

How Does God's Blessing Lead to Increase?

The blessing of the Lord is designed to increase us "more and more" (Psalm 115:14). God has us on His mind to bless us, not to condemn us. His blessing makes us rich - not just financially, but rich in good works and ability to help others.

What is Our Role in Receiving Increase?

Our part is to:

Receive and plant the seeds God gives us

Water those seeds through continued focus on His Word

Avoid eating our seed (using it for immediate gratification)

Sow in faith, not fear

Trust God's blessing to multiply what we sow

Life Application

This week, identify areas where fear may be holding you back from God's increase. Ask yourself:

What seeds (God's Word/promises) do I need to plant regarding this area?

Am I allowing fear or faith to determine my actions?

How can I start sowing seeds of increase through giving, serving, or speaking God's Word?

Take one step of faith to sow a seed in an area where you desire increase. Remember - God has you on His mind to bless you and increase you more and more.

Questions for Reflection:

What area of my life needs God's increase the most right now?

What fears are preventing me from experiencing God's full increase?

What specific seed can I sow this week to activate God's principle of increase?


Understanding God as the Father of Increase:

A Biblical Perspective

God is fundamentally a God of increase and growth, designed to help us prosper in every area of our lives. This truth is woven throughout both the Old and New Testament, showing us that increase isn't just about material prosperity but encompasses all aspects of life.

What Does it Mean That God is the Father of Increase?

The principle of increase starts with understanding that everything begins with a seed. Just as a farmer plants seeds to grow crops, we must plant spiritual seeds through God's Word to see growth in our lives. This process involves:

Planting the seed (receiving God's Word)

Watering the seed (continuing to hear and meditate on the Word)

God bringing the increase

How Does God's Increase Work in Practice?

The biblical pattern for increase involves three key elements:

Sowing seeds in times of famine (going against natural wisdom)

Acting in faith despite circumstances

Trusting God's multiplication process

What Prevents Us From Experiencing God's Increase?

The main obstacle to experiencing God's increase is fear. Fear can manifest as:

Worry about not having enough

Reluctance to give or sow seeds

Doubt about God's provision

Trying to control outcomes ourselves

How Do We Overcome Fear to Experience Increase?

The biblical solution to fear is love. When we operate in love:

We give freely without expectation

We trust God's provision

We focus on others rather than ourselves

We act on God's Word rather than our emotions

Life Application

This week, challenge yourself to:

Identify an area in your life where you need increase

Find relevant scriptures that address that area

Begin "sowing seeds" through:

Speaking God's Word

Taking action based on His Word

Giving in faith

Ask yourself:

What areas of my life am I operating in fear rather than love?

Where am I holding back from giving or sowing seeds?

How can I practically demonstrate trust in God's increase this week?

Remember: God's increase often comes in unexpected ways, but it always follows our faithful sowing of seeds according to His Word.


Understanding God as the Father of Increase: A Biblical Perspective

Many Christians struggle with understanding God's desire for their growth and prosperity. This exploration reveals how God, as the Father of Increase, wants His children to experience growth in every area of their lives.

What Does it Mean That God is the Father of Increase?

God's nature as the Father of Increase means He desires growth and multiplication in all aspects of our lives - wisdom, relationships, spiritual understanding, and even material provision. This is demonstrated through Jesus himself, who "increased in wisdom and stature" during His earthly life.

How Does God's Principle of Increase Work?

The key principle is simple but profound: God multiplies what is sown. He cannot increase what isn't first planted as seed. This applies to every area of life:
Spiritual growth comes from sowing God's Word
Financial increase comes from financial seeds
Love grows from sowing love
Good relationships develop from sowing friendship

What Role Does the Bible Play in God's System of Increase?

The Bible is God's book of seeds. He has provided His Word as the primary seed source for our growth and increase. However, many Christians fail to "sow" these seeds by not actively engaging with and applying Scripture to their lives.

How Does Fear Prevent Increase?

Fear of lack often prevents people from sowing seeds that could lead to increase. This fear can manifest in various ways:
Fear of giving financially
Fear of showing love first
Fear of investing in relationships
Fear of not having enough

Life Application

This week, challenge yourself to identify areas where fear might be preventing you from sowing good seeds. 
Ask yourself:
What am I afraid to give or invest in?
Where am I holding back due to fear of loss?
What seeds (actions, words, resources) could I sow this week to see God's increase?
Take one specific action this week to sow a seed in an area where you've been hesitant. Remember, God multiplies what is sown - whether it's showing love first in a relationship, investing time in studying His Word, or giving generously despite circumstances.
The key is to trust God as the Father of Increase and step out in faith, knowing He will multiply what you sow according to His promise.


The Power of Obedience:
Building Faith Through Simple Acts

Faith begins with simple obedience to God's truth. While many view faith
as just believing, true biblical faith starts with hearing God's word and
choosing to obey it, even before we fully understand or feel it.
What is the Relationship Between Faith and Obedience?

Obedience is both the first step toward developing faith and the last
 step away from it. When we choose to disobey God's truth, we begin to lose our faith. 
The Galatians faced this issue - they had received Christ and the Holy Spirit but began to drift
 away through disobedience to the truth they had received.

How Does Faith Actually Work?

Faith operates through:
Hearing God's word
Choosing to obey what we hear
Allowing the Holy Spirit to work through our obedience
Receiving miracles through the Spirit's power 
The Holy Spirit performs miracles, but He works through our faith which starts 
with simple obedience.

What Blocks Faith from Working?
Several things can prevent faith from operating:
Becoming sin-conscious instead of righteousness-conscious
Looking to natural solutions instead of God's word
Allowing distractions to pull us away from focusing on God
Hesitating to obey when God speaks
How Do We Build Strong Faith?
To develop strong faith:
Be quick to obey God's word when you hear it
Stay focused on God's promises rather than circumstances
Remember past faithfulness and victories
Choose to believe God's blessing over the curse
Maintain a "blessing mindset" rather than focusing on lack

Life Application
This week, practice immediate obedience when you hear God's word. Don't delay 
or rationalize - simply obey. Ask yourself:
What truth from God's word have I been hesitating to obey?
Am I more focused on my circumstances or God's promises?
How quickly do I respond when I sense God leading me to do something?
What "curses" am I allowing to land in my life through disobedience?

Remember: The blessing and the curse are both present in this world, but through obedience and faith, we can choose which one manifests in our lives. Choose to be quick to obey so that faith 


Feb. 03rd, 2025

Understanding God as the

 Father of Increase: 

Breaking Free from Fear and Lack

God is not a God of lack or scarcity, but rather a Father of increase who desires to multiply goodness in our lives. This fundamental truth challenges many believers who operate from a mindset of fear and scarcity rather than faith and abundance.

What Does the Bible Say About God's Nature of Increase?

The Bible clearly demonstrates God's nature as one of increase through several key passages:

1 Corinthians 3:5-7 shows that while people may plant and water, God brings the increase

2 Corinthians 9:10 reveals that God provides seed to the sower and multiplies what is sown

Psalm 115:14 declares that "The Lord shall increase you more and more"

How Does Fear Prevent Us from Experiencing God's Increase?

Many believers are held back by what Hebrews 2:15 calls the "fear of death" -

a mindset that manifests as:

Fear of not having enough

Reluctance to give or show love

Hesitation to fully commit to God's calling

Hoarding resources out of insecurity

What is God's Method of Increase?

God's kingdom operates on the principle of sowing and reaping:

Everything starts with a seed

The Word of God is the primary seed (Mark 4:14)

What you sow determines what you reap

God multiplies the seeds we sow in faith

How Do Our Words Impact Increase?

Our words are seeds that produce harvests in our lives:

Negative words produce negative results

Speaking God's Word releases faith

We should guard against speaking words of lack or defeat

Declarations of faith activate God's promises

Life Application

This week, challenge yourself to:

Identify areas where fear of lack is holding you back

Begin speaking words of increase over your life daily

Look for opportunities to sow good seeds through your words and actions

Think bigger than just your own needs

Ask yourself:

What areas of my life am I operating from fear rather than faith?

Am I speaking words of increase or decrease over my situation?

How can I start thinking bigger about God's purposes for my life?

What good seeds can I begin sowing this week?

Remember: God is not limited to "either/or" - He is an "and" God who can do both this AND that in your life as you trust Him as your Father of increase.



Understanding Faith, Obedience, and the Holy Spirit's Work in Our Lives

Faith and obedience work together to activate God's power in our lives. Through

Christ's redemption, we have been freed from the curse of the law, but we must still walk in obedience while developing our faith.

How Does Faith Come?

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God preached. When we hear the gospel


it gives us an opportunity to believe and receive what God has promised.

The preaching

of the gospel includes messages of blessing, healing, and righteousness that

come through faith in Christ.

What is the Relationship Between Obedience and Faith?

Obedience is the first step in developing faith, but obedience alone is not enough. We must:

Start with obedience to God's commands

Allow that obedience to activate the Holy Spirit's work

Continue developing our faith to see the complete manifestation

How Does the Holy Spirit Work Through Faith?

The Holy Spirit works miracles through faith, not through our performance or

adherence to religious rules. When we:

Believe God's Word

Yield to the Spirit rather than sin

Stand firm in faith despite circumstances

The Holy Spirit can work supernatural results in our lives

What Blocks the Holy Spirit's Work?

Several things can hinder the Holy Spirit's work:

Religious mindsets that focus on performance

Yielding to sin rather than the Spirit

Allowing natural circumstances to override faith

Listening to voices that contradict God's Word

Life Application

This week, examine areas where you may be relying on performance rather than faith. Ask yourself:

Am I trying to earn God's blessings through my actions?

Do I yield to circumstances or stand on God's Word?

What voices am I listening to that may contradict faith?

Challenge: Choose one area where you need a breakthrough. Begin declaring

God's Word over that situation daily, yielding to the Spirit rather than circumstances.

Stand firm in faith, knowing that the Holy Spirit works through your believing, not

you're performing.

Remember: Your miracle comes through faith in Christ's finished work, not

through your own efforts. Stay focused on what He has done rather than what you

must do.


Jan. 14th, 2025                                                                                                                                                                            

Understanding God's Vision

for Your Life and Ministry

Every person has a unique calling and vision from God. Understanding and fulfilling that vision requires laying aside distractions and running the race God has set before us with patience and perseverance.

What is God's Primary Purpose for Every Believer?

The primary purpose for every believer, regardless of their specific calling, is to win souls for Christ. Whether called to be a janitor, doctor, pastor, or any other profession, the core mission remains sharing the gospel and bringing others to Jesus.

How Do We Discover and Fulfill Our Vision?

To discover and fulfill God's vision:

Lay aside weights and sins that hold you back

Focus on what's important (Kingdom of God) rather than just urgent matters

Run your race with patience, allowing God to develop you

Base decisions on God's Word rather than circumstances or feelings

Continue steadfastly in fellowship, doctrine, and prayer

What Role Does Church Fellowship Play?

Being part of a church family is crucial for fulfilling your vision. The church provides:

Support and encouragement

Discipleship and spiritual growth

Opportunities to serve and use your gifts

Fellowship with like-minded believers

Accountability and guidance

How Do We Make Disciples?

Making disciples involves:

Teaching people to base their lives on God's Word

Challenging religious traditions and belief systems

Helping others understand their identity in Christ

Creating environments for spiritual growth

Providing practical application of biblical principles

Life Application

This week, consider:

What weights or distractions are holding you back from fulfilling God's vision for your life?

Are you prioritizing what's important (Kingdom of God) over what's merely urgent?

How can you more intentionally share the gospel with others in your sphere of influence?

Challenge: Identify one area where you've been distracted from God's vision and take specific steps to realign your focus. Begin each day by asking God to show you opportunities to share His love with others.

Questions for Reflection:

What specific race has God set before you to run?

Are you part of a church family where you can grow and serve effectively?

How are you contributing to making disciples in your current role?


Jan. 14th, 2025                                                                                                                                                                                 

Understanding God's Vision for Your Life:

 A Guide to Purpose and Growth


Living with purpose requires more than just going through daily motions. God has a specific plan and vision for each person's life that goes beyond merely existing day to day.

What Does It Mean to Have Vision from God?

Vision is seeing something God gives you internally, not with natural eyes. It's about clearly understanding your divine purpose and calling. Without this clear vision, it becomes easy to get off course and spend years working toward things that aren't part of God's plan.

How Do You Start Living with Purpose?

The new year provides several key opportunities:

Redefine priorities with God's kingdom first

Clarify your God-given purpose

Establish clear vision for the next 25 years

Set new goals aligned with that vision

Let go of past hindrances

What Holds People Back from Their Purpose?

Several things can prevent people from fulfilling their calling:

Weights and burdens that slow progress

Unforgiveness and bitterness

False beliefs about capabilities

Living in "dream states" instead of reality

Prioritizing urgent matters over important ones

How Do You Move Forward in God's Plan?

The Bible outlines three key steps:

Wake up from spiritual sleep

Arise and make necessary changes

Receive light (direction) from Christ

This requires personal responsibility - nothing will change unless you change first.

What is the Ultimate Purpose for Every Believer?

While individual callings vary, every believer is called to win souls. This means:

Being ministers of reconciliation

Inspiring others toward God

Encouraging and building others up

Living wisely by helping others find Christ

Life Application

This week, challenge yourself to:

Write down your vision for the next 25 years

Identify any "weights" holding you back

Take specific steps to share your faith with others

Ask yourself:

Am I living my life on purpose or just going through motions?

What past things do I need to let go of?

How can I better prioritize winning souls in my daily life?

What's one step I can take today toward God's vision for my life?

Jan. 06th, 2025

Fulfilling God's Vision:

 Making 2025 Your Year of Increase

As we enter 2025, it's time to reflect on our spiritual journey and

realign ourselves with God's perfect plan for our lives. The Lord

has declared this to be a year of increase - not just in material things,

but in fulfilling our divine purpose and calling.

What Does God Want Us to Know About Our Purpose?

There are four fundamental truths God wants to establish in our hearts:

You are loved unconditionally

You are safe in Him, regardless of circumstances

You are valuable and important

You have a specific purpose and destiny to fulfill

How Can We Prepare for Spiritual Growth in 2025?

To position ourselves for increase, we need to focus on five key areas:

1. Redefining Our Priorities

We must evaluate what truly matters and ensure the Kingdom of God

remains our highest priority. This requires distinguishing between

what is merely urgent versus what is truly important.

2. Redefining Our Purpose

It's essential to live life intentionally, aligned with God's specific calling

for us. This means moving beyond just doing "good things" to fulfilling

our divine purpose.

3. Redefining Our Life's Vision

We need clear spiritual sight to see and understand God's plan for our lives.

This vision must be written down and reviewed regularly through Scripture

and prayer.

4. Reestablishing Worthwhile Goals

Our goals must align with God's vision for our lives. Not all goals are

worthwhile - they must contribute to our spiritual purpose and growth.

5. Letting Go of the Past

We cannot move forward while holding onto past hurts, judgments,

and unforgiveness. Release these weights to embrace God's future for you.

What Does Biblical Increase Look Like?

True increase means taking steps closer to fulfilling your God-ordained purpose.

As Hebrews 12:1 teaches, we must "lay aside every weight"

that hinders us from running our race effectively.

Life Application

This week, challenge yourself to:

Take time to write down your God-given vision

Identify one "weight" you need to lay aside

Create specific, purposeful goals aligned with your spiritual calling

Ask yourself:

Am I prioritizing what's truly important or just responding to urgency?

Can I clearly see God's vision for my life?

What past experiences am I holding onto that are preventing my growth?

Remember: "The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your

children" (Psalm 115:14). Make 2025 your year of purposeful increase by

awakening to God's call, arising from stagnation, and walking in His light.

Dec. 30th, 2024

Redeemed from the Curse:

Embracing the Goodness of God


In our latest sermon series, "Redeemed from the Curse," we delve into the profound truths of God's goodness and the transformative power of faith. This summary will guide you through the key points, helping you understand how to live a life free from the curse and filled with God's blessings.

Understanding the Goodness of God What Does It Mean That God is Good?

God's goodness is a central theme in the Bible. Galatians 3:1-14 emphasizes that through Christ, we are redeemed from the curse of the law. This redemption is rooted in God's inherent goodness. The Bible repeatedly affirms that God is good (Psalm 86:5, 1 Chronicles 16:34, Psalm 25:8, Psalm 145:9). His goodness is not just an attribute but the essence of His being.

How Does God's Goodness Manifest in Our Lives?

God's goodness manifests in various ways, including His mercy, kindness, and faithfulness. Psalm 34:8 invites us to "taste and see that the Lord is good." Trusting in His goodness brings blessings and transforms our natural circumstances. The blessings of God impact every area of our lives, from health to finances to relationships.

The Importance of Discipline and Faith Why is Discipline Essential for a Christian?

To be a disciple of Christ, one must live a disciplined life. Jesus emphasized the importance of continuing in His word to truly be His disciples (John 8:31-32). Discipline involves consistently engaging with God's word, which in turn helps us know the truth. This truth sets us free from the bondage of sin and the curse.

How Does Faith Play a Role in Experiencing God's Goodness?

Faith is crucial in receiving God's blessings. Galatians 3:6-9 highlights that those who live by faith are blessed along with Abraham. Living by faith means trusting in God's promises and believing in His goodness, even when circumstances seem contrary. Faith enables us to experience miracles and the supernatural in our daily lives.

The Curse and Redemption What is the Curse Mentioned in the Bible?

The curse refers to the negative consequences of disobeying God's law. Deuteronomy 28 outlines the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience. However, Galatians 3:13-14 reveals that Christ has redeemed us from the curse by becoming a curse for us. This redemption means we are no longer bound by the negative consequences of sin.

How Does Redemption Change Our Lives?

Redemption through Christ means we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17). Our past sins and failures no longer define us. We are now children of God, blessed and favored. This new identity empowers us to live victoriously, free from the bondage of sin and the curse.

The Power of Words Why Are Our Words So Important?

Our words have the power to shape our reality. Proverbs 18:21 states that "death and life are in the power of the tongue." Speaking words of faith and truth aligns us with God's promises and enables us to receive His blessings. Conversely, speaking negative or evil words can hinder us from experiencing God's goodness.

How Can We Use Our Words to Receive God's Blessings?

To receive God's blessings, we must guard our tongues from speaking evil (Psalm 34:13-14). Instead, we should speak words that align with God's truth. This involves meditating on God's word, declaring His promises, and rejecting any thoughts or words that contradict His goodness.

Life Application How Can We Apply These Truths in Our Daily Lives?

1. Meditate on God's Goodness: Spend time daily reflecting on scriptures that affirm God's goodness. Let these truths sink into your heart and transform your thinking.

2. Practice Discipline: Make a commitment to consistently engage with God's word. This discipline will help you grow as a disciple and know the truth that sets you free.

3. Speak Words of Faith: Be mindful of your words. Speak life, blessings, and truth over yourself and others. Reject any negative or evil words that contradict God's promises.

4. Live by Faith: Trust in God's promises and believe in His goodness, even when circumstances seem challenging. Faith will enable you to experience God's supernatural power in your life.

Questions to Reflect On

1. How often do I meditate on God's goodness?

2. In what areas of my life do I need to practice more discipline?

3. Are my words aligning with God's truth and promises?

4. Am I living by faith, trusting in God's goodness, even in difficult circumstances?

By embracing these principles, you can live a life redeemed from the curse and filled with the blessings of God's goodness. Let this week be a time of transformation as you apply these truths and experience the fullness of God's love and favor.


Dec. 17th, 2024

Understanding the Kingdom of God


In this week's sermon, we delved into the profound message of the Kingdom of God, a central theme in Jesus' teachings. This sermon emphasized the importance of prioritizing God's Kingdom over religious traditions and worldly pursuits. By exploring various scriptures, we learned how to align our lives with the principles of God's Kingdom and experience the fullness of His blessings.

The Main Message of Jesus: The Kingdom of God, What Did Jesus Preach?

Jesus' primary message was not about establishing a new religion or tradition but about introducing and ministering the Kingdom of God. In Matthew 4:17, Jesus began His ministry with the call to "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." This message was central to His teachings and mission.

The Importance of Preaching

Preaching is crucial because it communicates godly ideas and principles. In a world filled with secular and often ungodly messages, preaching the gospel helps realign our focus on God's Kingdom. Jesus was anointed to preach the gospel to the poor, emphasizing the transformative power of His message.

The Kingdom of God vs. Religion the Problem with Religion

Religion and tradition can sometimes hinder our relationship with God. When we substitute religion for the Kingdom of God, we may have a form of godliness but deny its power. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for their religious practices that kept people out of the Kingdom.

Seeking the Kingdom First

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus instructs us to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." This means prioritizing God's Kingdom above all else, including our families, jobs, and personal desires.

Prioritizing the Kingdom of God: Three Key Principles

1. Prioritization: The Kingdom of God must be the most important thing in our lives.

2. Organization: We must organize our lives around the principles of God's Kingdom.

3. Discipline: We need to discipline ourselves to keep God's Kingdom first in everything we do.

Practical Examples

The sermon provided practical examples of prioritizing God's Kingdom, such as choosing ministry over personal events and trusting God to take care of our families and needs. By putting God's Kingdom first, we align ourselves with His will and experience His provision.

The Simplicity of Life in God's Kingdom:

Avoiding Drama and Complication

God desires our lives to be simple and free from drama. When we seek His Kingdom first, we avoid the complications that come from pursuing worldly things. Instead of chasing after material possessions, we should focus on God's righteousness and trust that He will provide for our needs.

The Rich Young Ruler

The story of the rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-22) illustrates the importance of letting go of worldly possessions to follow Jesus. Jesus challenged the young man to sell everything and follow Him, highlighting the need to prioritize God's Kingdom over personal wealth.

The Nature of God's Kingdom: What is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is a governmental system where God's will is fulfilled on earth. It is not a democracy but a monarchy where God is the King. In this Kingdom, God takes personal responsibility for the well-being of His citizens, ensuring that their needs are met.

Where is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is not of this world (John 18:36). It is a spiritual realm that exists within us (Luke 17:21). When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we become part of this Kingdom, and God's will begins to manifest in our lives.

Life Application: Applying the Sermon to Your Life

This week, challenge yourself to prioritize God's Kingdom in every aspect of your life. Reflect on the following questions:

1. What is most important in your life? Are you prioritizing God's Kingdom above all else?

2. How can you organize your life around God's principles? What changes can you make to align your daily activities with His will?

3. Are you disciplined in seeking God's Kingdom? What steps can you take to ensure that God's Kingdom remains your top priority?

A Practical Challenge

Take time this week to evaluate your priorities. Identify one area where you can make a change to seek God's Kingdom first. Whether it's spending more time in prayer, serving in your community, or letting go of a worldly pursuit, make a conscious effort to put God's Kingdom at the forefront of your life.


Understanding and prioritizing the Kingdom of God is essential for living a fulfilling and blessed life. By seeking His Kingdom first, we align ourselves with God's will and experience His provision and peace. Let us commit to making God's Kingdom our top priority and trust that He will take care of all our needs.

Dec. 09th, 2024

Redeemed from the Curse:

Embracing the Blessings of Faith


Welcome to our latest blog post, where we delve into the powerful message of being redeemed from the curse, as explored in our recent sermon. This summary will guide you through the key points and insights, helping you understand how to live a life free from the curse and full of God's blessings. Let's dive in!

Understanding Redemption from the Curse

What Does It Mean to Be Redeemed from the Curse?

In Galatians 3, Paul addresses the believers in Galatia, emphasizing that even born-again, Spirit-filled Christians can be deceived and fall into foolishness. The core message is that through Jesus Christ, we are redeemed from the curse of the law. This redemption is not just a theological concept but a practical reality that impacts our daily lives.

The Importance of the New Testament Epistles

Spending time in the New Testament, especially the epistles like Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians, is crucial. These books reveal who God is, who we are in Him, and what Jesus accomplished on the cross. They provide wisdom and guidance for living a victorious Christian life.

The Power of the Holy Spirit

Why Speaking in Tongues Matters

While speaking in tongues is not a requirement for salvation, it is a powerful tool for accessing God's wisdom and power. The Holy Spirit within us can provide answers and guidance beyond our natural understanding. Praying in the Spirit allows us to tap into God's infinite knowledge and power, bringing transformation to our situations.

Overcoming Deception and Rebellion

Paul warns the Galatians about being bewitched or deceived by rebellious belief systems. Even as Christians, we can struggle with areas of rebellion in our hearts, leading to repeated battles with issues like depression, anger, and fear. Yielding to the Holy Spirit and praying in tongues can help us see beyond our natural limitations and overcome these deceptions.

Living by Faith, Not by Works

Receiving the Spirit by Faith

Paul challenges the Galatians to remember that they received the Spirit not by works of the law but by hearing with faith. This principle applies to us today. We cannot earn God's blessings through our efforts; we receive them by faith. This includes the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the miracles that follow.

The Danger of Falling Back into the Flesh

It's easy to start in the Spirit and then try to perfect ourselves through the flesh. This leads to frustration, pressure, and a sense of condemnation. Instead, we must continue to walk in the Spirit, relying on God's grace and power rather than our own efforts.

The Reality of Spiritual Warfare

Recognizing the Enemy's Tactics

The enemy seeks to deceive and oppress us, often using condemnation and pressure to lead us away from God's truth. We must be vigilant, recognizing that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. By staying spiritually minded and focused on God's Word, we can overcome these attacks.

The Role of Angels and the Supernatural

Animals and even inanimate objects can sometimes perceive spiritual realities that we miss due to the blindness of our hearts. By becoming spiritually minded, we can become more aware of God's presence and the activity of angels around us. This awareness strengthens our faith and helps us stand firm against the enemy.

The Blessing of Abraham

Christ Redeemed Us to Bless Us

Galatians 3:13-14 explains that Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law so that the blessing of Abraham might come upon us. This blessing includes receiving the promise of the Spirit through faith. God is not the damner; He is the blesser. He desires to pour out His Spirit and blessings upon us.

Living in the Blessing

Living in the blessing means being one with the Spirit of God. When we are connected to His Spirit, we experience healing, health, prosperity, joy, and peace. Even in the midst of storms, we can rest in the assurance of God's presence and provision.

Life Application

Applying the Sermon to Your Life

This week, challenge yourself to live by faith, not by works. Spend time in the New Testament epistles, especially Galatians, and meditate on the truths of your redemption and the blessings available to you through Christ. Here are a few questions to reflect on:

1. Are there areas in your life where you are relying on your own efforts rather than trusting in God's grace?

2. How can you cultivate a deeper awareness of the Holy Spirit's presence and guidance in your daily life?

3. What steps can you take to overcome any areas of rebellion or deception in your heart?

Embracing the Blessing

Remember, you are blessed and redeemed from the curse. Speak words of life and faith over your circumstances, and trust in God's promises. As you yield to the Holy Spirit and walk in faith, you will experience the fullness of God's blessings in every area of your life.


Living a life redeemed from the curse is about embracing the blessings of faith and walking in the Spirit. By understanding and applying these principles, you can experience the abundant life that God has promised. Stay connected to His Word, rely on the Holy Spirit, and live in the blessing of Abraham. Amen.

Dec. 03rd, 2024

Understanding the Curse and Blessing:

 A Journey Through Galatians 3


Introduction In this week's sermon, we dived into the profound truths found in Galatians 3:13-14, exploring the concepts of the curse of the law and the blessings that come through faith in Jesus Christ. This summary will guide you through the key points, making it easy to understand and apply these biblical lessons to your life. What is the Curse of the Law? The Nature of the Curse The curse of the law, as described in Deuteronomy 28, is a consequence of not obeying God's commands. It brings about various forms of suffering, including sickness, poverty, and mental distress. This curse is essentially a separation from God, which is spiritual death. Being separated from God then manifests in physical, emotional, relational, and financial trouble. The Impact of Disobedience Disobedience to God's word results in a cascade of negative effects resulting from spiritual separation from God. - **Sickness and Disease**: Physical ailments and health issues. - **Poverty and Lack**: Financial struggles and insufficiency. - **Mental and Emotional Struggles**: Depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Christ's Redemption from the Curse The Role of Jesus Galatians 3:13 states, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law." Jesus took upon Himself the curse meant for us, experiencing separation from God, poverty, and sickness, so that we could be reconciled with God and receive His blessings. The Blessing of Abraham Through Jesus, the blessing of Abraham is made available to all who believe. This blessing includes: - **Spiritual Reconciliation**: Being brought back into a relationship with God. - **Health and Healing**: Physical well-being and divine health. - **Provision and Prosperity**: Financial and material blessings. God's Nature: The Blesser, Not the Damner Misconceptions About God Many people mistakenly view God as a source of both good and evil. However, the Bible consistently portrays God as wholly good, with no dark side. He is not the author of our suffering but the source of our blessings. Biblical Evidence of God's Goodness - **Psalm 86:5**: "For you, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive." - **Psalm 25:8**: "Good and upright is the Lord." - **Psalm 145:9**: "The Lord is good to all." The Importance of Faith Believing in God's Goodness Hebrews 11:6 emphasizes that without faith, it is impossible to please God. To come to God, we must believe that He is good and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Trusting in God's Promises Trusting in God's goodness means expecting Him to do good things in our lives. This trust is foundational to experiencing His blessings and overcoming the curses that may try to affect us. Life Application Embracing God's Goodness This week, challenge yourself to focus on God's goodness. Reflect on the areas of your life where you may have doubted His intentions and replace those doubts with faith in His unwavering goodness. Questions for Reflection 1. **Do I truly believe that God is good and wants to bless me? ** 2. **In what areas of my life have I allowed doubt to overshadow my faith in God's promises? ** 3. **How can I actively seek God's presence and trust in His goodness daily? ** Practical Steps 1. **Daily Devotion**: Spend time each day reading scriptures that affirm God's goodness. 2. **Prayer**: Ask God to reveal any areas of unbelief in your heart and to strengthen your faith. 3. **Community**: Share your journey with a trusted friend or small group, encouraging each other to trust in God's goodness. Conclusion Understanding the curse of the law and the blessings available through faith in Jesus is crucial for living a victorious Christian life. By recognizing God's true nature as the blesser and not a dammer, we can fully embrace His goodness and experience the abundant life He promises. This week, let your faith in God's goodness transform your perspective and bring His blessings into every area of your life.


Nov. 25th, 2024

Understanding the Kingdom of God: 

A Path to Freedom and Transformation


In our latest sermon, we delved into the profound message of the Kingdom of God, a central theme in Jesus' teachings. This message is not just about religious rituals but about experiencing true freedom and transformation through God's kingdom. Let's explore the key points and life applications from this powerful sermon.

What is the Kingdom of God?

Jesus' Core Message

Jesus' primary message was the Kingdom of God. He preached about it consistently, emphasizing its importance over religious traditions. The Kingdom of God represents God's will, His governing influence, and His way of living and being in the earth.

The Call to Repentance

Both John the Baptist and Jesus began their ministries with a call to repentance, urging people to turn away from their old ways and embrace the Kingdom of Heaven. This call is a reminder that transformation begins with a change of heart and mind.

How to Seek the Kingdom of God

Prioritize the Kingdom

Jesus instructed us to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). This means making God's kingdom the top priority in our lives. Prioritizing the Kingdom protects us from being overwhelmed by life's demands and helps us focus on what truly matters.

Organize Your Life Around the Kingdom

Organizing our lives to put the Kingdom of God first involves setting clear priorities. This means placing God's will, His word, and His presence above all else. By doing so, we align our lives with His purposes and experience His blessings.

Discipline Yourself

Discipline is essential to keep the Kingdom of God as our top priority. It requires self-governance and a commitment to follow through on our priorities. By disciplining ourselves, we ensure that seeking God's kingdom remains central in our daily lives.

The Power of the Kingdom

Freedom and Transformation

The Kingdom of God brings freedom from the weight of sin and the pressures of life. Jesus offers deliverance, healing, and liberty through His Kingdom. By embracing the Kingdom message, we experience transformation and renewal in our lives.

Authority and Righteousness

Seeking God's righteousness means understanding our right standing with Him. As believers, we are seated with Christ in heavenly places, sharing in His authority and power. This position empowers us to live victoriously and demand God's blessings in our lives.

Life Application

Challenge for the Week

This week, challenge yourself to prioritize the Kingdom of God in every aspect of your life. Start each day by seeking His presence through prayer and reading His word. Organize your schedule to make time for God, and discipline yourself to keep Him first.

Reflective Questions

1. What are the current priorities in your life? Are they aligned with seeking the Kingdom of God first?

2. How can you reorganize your daily routine to make more time for God?

3. In what areas of your life do you need to exercise more discipline to keep God's Kingdom as your top priority?

By focusing on the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, we open ourselves to experiencing the fullness of His blessings and the transformative power of His presence. Let's commit to seeking His Kingdom first and watch as He adds all these things unto us.


Nov. 19th, 2024

Understanding God's 

Unconditional Goodness


Welcome to our weekly sermon summary! This week, we delved into the profound and transformative message of God's unconditional goodness. Our exploration was rooted in Galatians 3, where we unpacked the essence of living a life filled with the Spirit and the miracles that come with it. Let's dive into the key points and life applications from this powerful sermon.

The Wisdom Books of the New Testament

Why Focus on the New Testament?

Spending time in the New Testament, particularly in the wisdom books like Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, and Philippians, can lead to significant transformation in your life. These books reveal who you are in Christ, what you have in Christ, and how to live free. They are akin to the Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament, offering practical wisdom for daily living.

The Power of Truth

Galatians 3:1-5 emphasizes the importance of knowing the truth. Jesus said, in John 8:31-32 "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." This truth is not just head knowledge but an intimate, experiential understanding that liberates us from lies, traditions, and deception.

Receiving the Spirit Through Faith

The Role of Faith

Galatians 3:2-5 highlights that we receive the Spirit not by the works of the law but by hearing with faith. This faith empowers us to receive God's Spirit, which in turn works miracles in our lives. Miracles are supernatural events that transcend natural limitations, showcasing God's unlimited power.

Living in the Supernatural

As Christians, we are called to live in the supernatural, where miracles become a norm. This is possible because God's Spirit, which we receive through faith, is not limited by time, space, or natural laws.

Redeemed from the Curse

Christ's Sacrifice

Galatians 3:13-14 explains that Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. This redemption allows us to receive the blessing of Abraham and the promise of the Spirit through faith. The curse is evil, and Christ's sacrifice frees us from this evil, enabling us to live in God's blessings.

The Spirit of Freedom

Romans 8:6-15 contrasts the spirit of bondage with the Spirit of adoption. We have not received a spirit of fear but a Spirit that makes us children of God. This Spirit brings life, peace, and freedom, breaking the chains of bondage and condemnation.

God's Unconditional Goodness

Defining Goodness

Psalm 86:5, 1 Chronicles 16:34, and Psalm 25:8 all affirm that God is good, ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy. His goodness is unconditional, extending to all, regardless of their actions. This goodness is characterized by loving-kindness, mercy, and faithfulness.

Good vs. Evil

Psalm 34:8-21 and Psalm 145:9 make a clear distinction between good and evil. God is good to all, and His goodness is against evil. Evil, defined as anything that contradicts God's holy nature, brings harm, distress, and calamity. In contrast, God's goodness brings life, peace, and blessings.

Life Application

Embracing God's Goodness

This week, challenge yourself to embrace God's unconditional goodness. Reflect on the following questions:

1. Do I truly believe that God is good to me, regardless of my actions?

2. How can I experience more of God's miracles in my daily life?

3. Am I living in the freedom that comes from the Spirit, or am I still bound by fear and condemnation?

Practical Steps

1. **Spend Time in the Word**: Focus on the wisdom books of the New Testament to deepen your understanding of who you are in Christ.

2. **Cultivate Faith**: Actively listen to God's Word and let it build your faith, enabling you to receive His Spirit and experience miracles.

3. **Live in Freedom**: Reject the spirit of bondage and embrace the Spirit of adoption, living as a child of God with life and peace.

4. **Reflect God's Goodness**: Be kind, merciful, and forgiving to others, reflecting the unconditional goodness of God in your interactions.


God's goodness is unconditional and transformative. By embracing His Spirit through faith, we can live in the supernatural, experience miracles, and reflect His goodness in our lives. This week, let God's unconditional goodness guide your thoughts, actions, and interactions, bringing His light into every aspect of your life.


Nov. 14th, 2024

Understanding the Kingdom of God


In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, the message of the Kingdom of God offers hope, direction, and purpose. This sermon, based on Matthew 11:12, delves into the essence of God's Kingdom, its relevance in our lives, and how we can actively participate in it. Let's explore the key points and life applications from this powerful message.

The Kingdom of God: What Is It?

What Does the Bible Say About the Kingdom of God?

Matthew 11:12 states, "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has forcefully advanced, and the strong take it by force." This verse highlights the dynamic and advancing nature of God's Kingdom. It is not a passive realm but one that requires active participation and strength.

The Kingdom of God vs. The Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven refers to God's territory where He reigns supreme. In contrast, the Kingdom of God is His dominion on earth, where His sons and daughters are called to rule and reign. This distinction is crucial for understanding our role in God's plan.

The Battle for the Kingdom

Spiritual Warfare: Recognizing the Enemy

The sermon emphasizes that becoming a Christian does not mean a life free of challenges. There is an outlaw spirit, Satan, who seeks to dominate and deceive. Recognizing this spiritual battle is essential for advancing God's Kingdom.

The Role of Focus and Words

To overcome darkness, we must focus on three things: who we keep our focus on (God), what we keep our focus on (His Word), and the words we speak. Our words should align with God's promises, not with doubt and unbelief.

The Importance of Correct Doctrine

Misinterpretations and False Teachings

The sermon addresses the issue of false teachings and misinterpretations that have led many away from the true essence of Christianity. The focus should be on preaching the Kingdom of God, not just religious morals or future promises.

The Kingdom of God in Everyday Life

In the Kingdom of God, there is deliverance, healing, prosperity, restoration, forgiveness, and exaltation. These are not just spiritual concepts but realities that can change our natural circumstances.

Living in the Kingdom of God

Dominion: Our Original Purpose

Genesis 1:26 reveals that God created humans to have dominion over the earth. This dominion implies rulership and governance, reflecting God's Kingdom on earth. Our sense of value, worth, and purpose is tied to this dominion.

Seeking the Kingdom First

Matthew 6:33 instructs us to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. When we prioritize God's Kingdom, all our needs will be met. This principle applies to every aspect of our lives, from provision to safety.

Life Application

Applying the Kingdom Principles

Living in the Kingdom of God requires a shift in focus and priorities. Here are some practical steps to apply this week's message:

1. **Focus on God and His Word**: Make a conscious effort to keep your focus on God and His promises. Spend time in prayer and Bible study to strengthen your faith.

2. **Speak Life**: Be mindful of the words you speak. Ensure they align with God's promises and not with doubt or negativity.

3. **Seek the Kingdom First**: Prioritize God's Kingdom in your daily decisions. Trust that as you seek His Kingdom, all your needs will be met.

Questions for Reflection

1. **Who or what are you focusing on in your daily life? **

2. **Do your words align with God's promises or with doubt and unbelief? **

3. **How can you prioritize seeking God's Kingdom in your daily decisions? **


The Kingdom of God is not just a future promise but a present reality that we can experience here and now. By focusing on God, aligning our words with His promises, and seeking His Kingdom first, we can live a life of purpose, provision, and protection. This week, challenge yourself to apply these principles and watch how God's Kingdom transforms your life.


Nov. 5th, 2024

Understanding the Kingdom of God: 

A Call to Action


In this week's sermon, we delved into the foundational principles of the Kingdom of God and its significance in our lives. We explored the historical roots of our nation’s covenant with God, the importance of prioritizing the Kingdom, and the challenges we face in advancing it. This summary will help you grasp the key points and apply them to your daily walk with Christ.

The Historical Covenant

What Was the First Covenant Made in America?

In 1607, Reverend Robert Hunt arrived at Virginia Beach and dedicated the new land to the glory of God. He planted a wooden cross and prayed for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to spread from America to the entire world. This act established a covenant with God, aiming to raise godly generations and evangelize the globe.

How Did the Founding Fathers View Freedom?

The Founding Fathers believed that freedom came from God, not the government. They dedicated their lives to establishing a nation founded on biblical principles and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This dedication was seen as a declaration of faith, setting the stage for a nation where liberty and justice would prevail.

The Kingdom of God

What Did Jesus Preach About the Kingdom?

Jesus preached, "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). He did not come to establish a new religion but to proclaim the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom is not just a future promise but a present reality that impacts our daily lives.

How Should We Seek the Kingdom?

Jesus instructed us to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33). This means prioritizing God's Kingdom above all else, including our personal needs and desires. When we do this, all other things will be added to us.

Advancing the Kingdom

What Does It Mean to Forcefully Advance the Kingdom?

The Kingdom of God is forcefully advancing, and it faces resistance from the kingdom of darkness. As believers, we are called to take the Kingdom by force, which means actively participating in God's work despite opposition.

How Can We Put the Kingdom First?

Putting the Kingdom first involves prioritizing God's will in every aspect of our lives. This includes our finances, time, and relationships. It means being willing to lay down our lives for the sake of the Gospel, just as soldiers lay down their lives for their country.

Life Application

How Can We Apply This Teaching to Our Lives?

1. **Prioritize God's Kingdom**: Evaluate your daily activities and commitments. Are you putting God's Kingdom first? Make a conscious effort to seek His will in all you do.

2. **Engage in Prayer and Action**: Pray for our nation, its leaders, and the upcoming elections. Your vote is a seed that can help advance God's Kingdom.

3. **Serve Faithfully**: Find ways to serve in your church and community. Whether it's through ministry, volunteering, or financial support, your contribution matters.

Questions to Reflect On

1. **Am I truly seeking the Kingdom of God first in my life? **

2. **How can I better align my actions with the principles of God's Kingdom? **

3. **What sacrifices am I willing to make to advance the Kingdom of God? **


The Kingdom of God is not just a future promise but a present reality that requires our active participation. By prioritizing God's Kingdom, engaging in prayer and action, and serving faithfully, we can forcefully advance the Kingdom and experience the abundant life God promises. This week, challenge yourself to put God's Kingdom first and watch how He transforms your life and the world around you.

Oct. 30th, 2024

Understanding God's Blessings


In our latest sermon series, "Redeemed from the Curse," we delve into the profound truths of God's Word, exploring how Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law and brought us into the blessings of Abraham. This series builds on our previous exploration of God as our healer, revealing His unchanging character and His desire to bless and heal His children. Let's journey through the key points of this powerful message and uncover the life-changing truths it holds.

What Does It Mean to Be Redeemed from the Curse?

Christ's Sacrifice and Redemption

Galatians 3:13-14 serves as the cornerstone of our discussion. It states, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith." This passage highlights the essence of our redemption through Christ's sacrifice, which frees us from the curse and grants us the blessings promised to Abraham.

Understanding the Curse of the Law

To fully grasp what we are redeemed from, we turn to Deuteronomy 28, which outlines the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience. The curse of the law encompasses spiritual death, sickness, poverty, and oppression. These are the consequences of being separated from God. However, through Christ, we are redeemed from these curses and restored to a life of blessing.

The Blessings of Abraham

God's Desire to Bless

God's character is revealed in His desire to bless His children. Deuteronomy 28:1-14 lists the blessings that come from obeying God's commandments, including prosperity, health, protection, and favor. These blessings are not just material but also spiritual, impacting every area of our lives.

Spiritual Blessings in Christ

Ephesians 1:3 reinforces that we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. These spiritual blessings have the power to transform our natural reality, bringing healing, prosperity, and protection. God's blessings are comprehensive, covering every aspect of our lives.

God's Unchanging Character

Jehovah Rapha: The Lord Who Heals

In Exodus 15:26, God reveals Himself as Jehovah Rapha, the Lord who heals. This character trait underscores His desire to mend, fix, and heal His children. God's motivation is always to bring healing and restoration, not punishment or condemnation.

God's Goodness and Mercy

Psalm 86:5 and Isaiah 63:7 highlight God's goodness, loving-kindness, and mercy. These attributes define His character and His dealings with us. God is always ready to forgive and extend His mercy, seeking to restore and bless us.

The Role of Obedience

Listening to God's Voice

Both the Old and New Testaments emphasize the importance of listening to God's voice and obeying His commandments. Deuteronomy 28:1-2 and John 14:21-23 show that obedience brings blessings and a deeper relationship with God. When we align our lives with His Word, we position ourselves to receive His blessings.

The Consequences of Disobedience

Conversely, disobedience leads to separation from God and the resulting curses. Deuteronomy 28:15-68 outlines the dire consequences of turning away from God's commandments. However, through Christ, we are redeemed from these curses and can live in the fullness of God's blessings.

Life Application

Embracing God's Blessings

Understanding that we are redeemed from the curse and blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ should transform how we live. This week, challenge yourself to embrace God's blessings by:

1. **Listening to God's Voice**: Spend time in prayer and the Word, seeking to hear and obey God's instructions.

2. **Rejecting the Curse**: Identify areas in your life where you may be experiencing the effects of the curse (e.g., sickness, lack, oppression) and declare your redemption through Christ.

3. **Walking in Faith**: Trust in God's promises and His desire to bless you. Step out in faith, believing that His blessings are available to you.

Reflective Questions

1. **How can I better position myself to hear and obey God's voice? **

2. **In what areas of my life do I need to reject the curse and embrace God's blessings? **

3. **What steps can I take this week to walk in the fullness of God's blessings? **


God's desire is to bless, heal, and restore His children. Through Christ, we are redeemed from the curse and brought into the blessings of Abraham. As we listen to God's voice and obey His commandments, we position ourselves to receive His abundant blessings. This week, embrace the truth of your redemption and walk in the fullness of God's blessings, knowing that He is a good, loving, and merciful Father.

Oct. 21st, 2024

Understanding the Kingdom of God 


In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, it is crucial to keep our focus on Jesus and understand the Kingdom of God. This sermon delves into the essence of God's Kingdom, its significance, and how it contrasts with earthly kingdoms and religious practices. By exploring biblical teachings, we can grasp the importance of seeking God's Kingdom first and living according to His principles.

The Foundation of God's Kingdom

What is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is not a religion, but a governing system established by God. It is His way of living and being in the earth, characterized by His laws, principles, and divine order. Unlike earthly kingdoms, which are often influenced by darkness and corruption, God's Kingdom is a realm of righteousness, peace, and joy.

The Difference Between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God

The Kingdom of Heaven refers to God's territory, where He reigns supreme. It is a place of perfection, free from sickness, poverty, and suffering. On the other hand, the Kingdom of God is His governing system operating in the earth. It is about bringing heaven's principles and order into our daily lives.

The Importance of Seeking God's Kingdom

Why Should We Seek the Kingdom of God First?

Jesus emphasized the importance of seeking God's Kingdom first (Matthew 6:33). By prioritizing His Kingdom, we align ourselves with His will and experience His provision, protection, and guidance. Earthly governments and systems are fallible, but God's Kingdom offers eternal security and blessings.

The Role of the Church in God's Kingdom

The church is not merely a place of worship but an extension of God's family. It is a community where believers support and uplift one another, embodying the principles of God's Kingdom. Pastors and church leaders play a crucial role in guiding the congregation, much like a father leads his family.

The Challenges of Earthly Kingdoms

The Influence of Darkness on Earthly Kingdoms

Earthly kingdoms are often influenced by the kingdom of darkness, leading to corruption, injustice, and suffering. Historical examples, such as the Babylonian and Roman empires, illustrate how darkness can pervade human governance. However, God's Kingdom stands in stark contrast, offering hope and redemption.

The Role of Believers in Transforming Earthly Kingdoms

As believers, we are called to bring the principles of God's Kingdom into our earthly realms. This involves living according to His Word, promoting justice, and being a light in a dark world. By doing so, we can influence and transform our communities, cities, and nations.

The Path to Entering God's Kingdom

Being Born Again: The Key to Entering God's Kingdom

Jesus taught that to enter God's Kingdom, one must be born again (John 3:3-5). This involves a spiritual rebirth, where we are transformed by the Holy Spirit and become new creations in Christ. It is not enough to be born naturally; we must also experience a spiritual rebirth to fully participate in God's Kingdom.

Living According to Kingdom Principles

Living in God's Kingdom requires us to follow His Word. This includes loving God, loving one another, and living righteously. By doing so, we reflect God's character and bring His Kingdom to earth.

Life Application

Applying the Sermon to Daily Life

Understanding and living in God's Kingdom is not just a theological concept but a practical way of life. Here are some steps to apply this teaching:

1. **Seek God's Kingdom First**: Prioritize your relationship with God and align your life with His principles.

2. **Live Righteously**: Follow God's laws and strive to live a life that reflects His character.

3. **Transform Your Community**: Be a light in your community by promoting justice, love, and righteousness.

Questions for Reflection

1. **Am I seeking God's Kingdom first in my life? **

2. **How can I bring the principles of God's Kingdom into my daily interactions and decisions?**

3. **In what ways can I support and uplift my church family? **

By reflecting on these questions and applying the teachings of this sermon, we can experience the fullness of God's Kingdom in our lives and be agents of transformation in our world.


Oct. 16th, 2024

Understanding God's Goodness: A Journey Through Faith and Healing


Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the profound messages shared in our recent sermon. This week, we explored the depths of God's goodness, His role as our healer, and the transformative power of His love. If you've ever questioned God's nature or sought clarity on His intentions for your life, this summary will provide you with insights and encouragement.

Who is God? Understanding His Nature

God as Jehovah Rapha: The Healer

In Exodus 15:26, God reveals Himself as Jehovah Rapha, meaning "The Lord who heals." This name signifies His eternal nature and His role as our healer. God is not a distant deity but an ever-present force of healing and restoration. Every time we approach God, we are approaching our healer, the one who mends and fixes.

God is Always Speaking

Contrary to some beliefs, God is never silent. Proverbs tells us that wisdom cries out from the streets. God, who is the Word (John 1:1), is always communicating with us. Our responsibility is to listen diligently and act on His words. When we do, we align ourselves with His healing power and protection.

Misconceptions About God's Nature

The Misinterpretation of Sickness and Punishment

Many English translations of the Bible, influenced by Calvinistic thinking, suggest that God punishes with sickness. However, a closer study of the Hebrew language reveals that God permits rather than causes sickness. God is a healer, not a punisher. He allows consequences but does not inflict harm.

Religion vs. Kingdom

The religion of Christianity has often misrepresented God's nature, making Him seem punitive. In contrast, the Kingdom of God offers health, strength, and freedom now, not just in the afterlife. We can live in the fullness of God's promises today.

The Goodness of God

God's Goodness Leads to Repentance

Psalm 86:5 describes God as good, ready to forgive, and abundant in mercy. It's His goodness, not punishment, that leads us to repentance. God woos us with His love, much like a parent encouraging a child to take their first steps.

Long-Suffering and Merciful

Exodus 34:6-7 portrays God as merciful, gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth. He forgives iniquity, transgression, and sin. God's patience and belief in us are unwavering, even when we falter.

Love as the Fulfillment of the Law

Love Works No Evil

Romans 13:10 states that love works no evil to a neighbor. Since God is love, He cannot do anything that would harm us. Sickness, disease, poverty, and broken relationships are not from God. They are the result of sin and the brokenness of the world.

God's Love is Unconditional and Affectionate

1 John 4:7-8 defines God as love (agape), which means unconditional and affectionate love. This is the essence of God's goodness. He gives love freely and without conditions, always ready to forgive and restore.

Life Application

Embracing God's Goodness

Understanding God's nature as good and loving transforms our relationship with Him. We can approach Him with confidence, knowing He is always ready to forgive and heal. This week, challenge yourself to:

1. **Listen Diligently**: Spend time in prayer and scripture, seeking to hear God's voice.

2. **Act on His Word**: When you receive a word from God, act on it with faith and obedience.

3. **Reflect His Love**: Show unconditional love and forgiveness to those around you, emulating God's nature.

Questions for Reflection

1. Do I truly believe that God is always speaking to me? How can I better position myself to hear His voice?

2. How have I misunderstood God's nature in the past? What steps can I take to align my understanding with His true character?

3. In what ways can I demonstrate God's unconditional love and forgiveness in my daily interactions?


God's goodness is the foundation of our faith. He is our healer, always speaking, and ready to forgive. By embracing His nature and reflecting His love, we can experience the fullness of His promises in our lives. Let this understanding guide you in your journey of faith, bringing healing and restoration to every area of your life.


Oct. 7th, 2024

Understanding God's Character


In this week's sermon, we delved into the profound nature of God's character, focusing on His identity as a healer and life-giver. Through various scriptures, we explored the essence of God's goodness, the significance of life in His creation, and the contrast between God's truth and the devil's lies. This summary will help you grasp the key points and apply them to your life.

God's Character as Healer

Who is God?

In Exodus 15:26, God reveals Himself as Jehovah Rapha, meaning "the Lord who heals." This name not only signifies His ability to heal but also His very nature. God cannot be anything other than a healer. This foundational truth challenges any belief that God withholds healing or inflicts sickness.

The Deception of the Enemy

The enemy's strategy is to deceive us into believing false identities. If he can make us believe we are sick or condemned, we will live out those lies. However, understanding that God is a healer helps us reject these deceptions and embrace our true identity in Christ.

The Creative Power of God's Word

Life and Light

John 1:1-4 emphasizes that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In Him was life, and this life was the light of men. God's nature is to create and give life, not to destroy. This creative force is evident in everything He does.

The Seed Principle

Just as an apple seed produces apple trees, whatever is in God produces life. This principle underscores that God can only produce what is in Him—life, goodness, and healing. Conversely, the enemy, who is the father of lies, can only produce death and destruction.

The Tree of Life vs. The Tree of Knowledge

The Garden of Eden

In Genesis 2, God placed two significant trees in the Garden of Eden: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Tree of Life represents God's life-giving nature, while the Tree of Knowledge represents separation from God and spiritual death.

The Consequence of Disobedience

When Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge, they were separated from God's life-giving presence. This act introduced spiritual death, making them vulnerable to sin, sickness, and death. However, God's plan for redemption through Jesus Christ restores our access to the Tree of Life.

The Importance of Staying Connected

Spiritual Connection

Staying connected to God and the family of believers is crucial for maintaining spiritual health. Disconnection leads to vulnerability and separation from the life-giving presence of God. Jesus emphasized this in John 15, where He describes Himself as the vine and us as the branches.

The Role of the Word

The Bible, God's infallible Word, is our source of life and truth. It is under attack in today's culture, but it remains the perfect, unadulterated Word of God. Engaging with the Word is essential for receiving God's life and healing.

Life Application

Embrace God's Healing Nature

This week, challenge yourself to embrace God's nature as a healer. Reject any lies that suggest God withholds healing or inflicts sickness. Instead, approach Him with faith, knowing that He is life and light.

Reflect and Act

Ask yourself these questions:

1. Do I truly believe that God is my healer?

2. How can I stay more connected to God's life-giving presence this week?

3. What steps can I take to engage more deeply with God's Word?

Practical Steps

1. **Daily Devotion**: Spend time each day reading and meditating on scriptures that affirm God's healing nature.

2. **Prayer**: Pray for a deeper revelation of God's character as a healer and life-giver.

3. **Community**: Stay connected with your church community for support and encouragement.

By understanding and embracing God's true nature, we can live in the fullness of His life and light, experiencing His healing and goodness in every area of our lives.


Oct. 1st, 2024

Understanding the 

Kingdom of Heaven 


In our latest sermon, we embarked on a profound journey to understand the Kingdom of Heaven and its significance in our lives. This message, rooted in biblical teachings, challenges us to shift our focus from religious rituals to living in the reality of God's Kingdom here on earth. Let's delve into the key points and lessons from this enlightening sermon.

The Prophetic Vision: Three Key Focus Areas

1. Who You Focus On

In times of darkness, it's crucial to keep our focus on God. The sermon emphasized the importance of maintaining our gaze on Him, as He is our guide and source of strength.

2. What Words You Focus On

The Word of God is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. By immersing ourselves in Scripture, we align our thoughts and actions with God's will.

3. What Words You Speak

The words we speak shape our reality. Speaking words of faith and truth can transform our lives and circumstances.

The Message of John the Baptist

Repentance and the Kingdom of Heaven

John the Baptist's message was clear: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 3:2). Repentance involves a change of mind and behavior, preparing us to receive the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Role of John the Baptist

John was a unique prophet who not only spoke of the coming Kingdom but also introduced Jesus, the one who would bring it to fruition. His life and message were a bridge between the Old and New Testaments.

Jesus' Ministry: Preaching the Kingdom

Jesus' Message

After His wilderness experience, Jesus began preaching the same message as John: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). This highlights the continuity and importance of this message.

The Kingdom vs. Religion

The sermon highlighted the difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and religious practices. Religion often focuses on future promises, while the Kingdom of Heaven is about experiencing God's rule and blessings here and now.

The Kingdom of Heaven vs. The Kingdom of God

Understanding the Terms

The Kingdom of Heaven refers to the territory where God's rule is fully established. The Kingdom of God, on the other hand, is about bringing God's ways and principles into our earthly lives.

Living by Kingdom Principles

As citizens of the Kingdom, we are called to live by God's laws and order, even while on earth. This means experiencing His blessings, healing, and provision in our daily lives.

The Importance of Dominion

Our Original Purpose

From the beginning, God created humans to have dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:27-28). This dominion is about bringing the Kingdom of Heaven's principles into our earthly realm.

Finding Value and Purpose

Our true value and purpose are found in the Kingdom of Heaven. By aligning ourselves with God's Kingdom, we find significance, freedom, and unconditional love.

Entering the Kingdom

The Door to the Kingdom

Jesus is the door to the Kingdom (John 10:9). While it's important to recognize and preach about Jesus, we must also teach how to enter and live in the Kingdom.

Being Born Again

To enter the Kingdom of God, one must be born again (John 3:3). This spiritual rebirth allows us to experience and operate in God's Kingdom here on earth.

Life Application

Living the Kingdom Life

This week, challenge yourself to live by Kingdom principles. Focus on God, immerse yourself in His Word, and speak words of faith. Experience the reality of God's Kingdom in your daily life.

Reflective Questions

1. Who or what am I focusing on during challenging times?

2. How can I immerse myself more in God's Word?

3. Are my words aligning with the truth of God's Kingdom?

4. How can I bring the principles of the Kingdom of Heaven into my daily life?

5. Have I fully embraced the concept of being born again to enter the Kingdom?

By reflecting on these questions and applying the sermon’s teachings, we can begin to experience the fullness of God's Kingdom here and now. Let's embrace this journey and live as true citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.


September 24th, 2024

Stay Focused on Jesus: Embracing the Kingdom of God


Welcome to our latest blog post, where we delve into the powerful message from our recent sermon. This week, we explored the importance of staying focused on Jesus amidst the darkness that surrounds us. By understanding and embracing the Kingdom of God, we can navigate through life's challenges with faith and purpose. Let's dive into the key points and lessons from this transformative sermon.

Arise and Shine: The Call to Action

What Does "Arise, Shine" Mean?

In Isaiah 60:1, we are called to "Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you." This verse serves as a foundational scripture for our series on staying focused on Jesus. Despite the gross darkness covering the earth, the light of God's glory shines brighter, dispelling the darkness.

The Power of Light in Darkness

Just as the moon reflects the sun's light, illuminating the night, we are called to reflect God's light in a dark world. No matter how chaotic or dark our surroundings may be, focusing on Jesus allows His light to guide us and dispel the darkness.

The Pitfalls of Religion vs. The Kingdom of God

Why Religion Falls Short

Religion, regardless of its name, often postpones deliverance and joy to the future, offering little help in the present. This is true for many belief systems, including the religion of Christianity. Religion tends to focus on the afterlife, neglecting the impact we can have here and now.

Christianity as a Kingdom, Not a Religion

Christianity is not merely a religion; it is about a Kingdom—a governmental system established by God. Jesus is the King of this Kingdom, and as we focus on Him, we align ourselves with His rule and reign. This Kingdom is meant to bring transformation and deliverance in the present, not just in the afterlife.

The Kingdom of God: A New Way of Living

What is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is a belief system, a way of thinking, believing, and acting that governs our lives. It is a system where God's commands and decrees are followed, bringing His will to earth as it is in heaven.

The Role of Jesus in the Kingdom

Jesus came preaching the good news of the Kingdom. He was anointed to bring healing, deliverance, and transformation. His message was not just about the cross but about entering into and living in the Kingdom of God.

Practical Steps to Embrace the Kingdom

Listening and Obeying God's Commands

To live in the Kingdom of God, we must listen to and obey His commands. Just as Abraham moved when God commanded, we too must act on God's word. This obedience brings God's blessings and protection into our lives.

Guarding Our Hearts

We must guard our hearts against thoughts and belief systems that contradict God's commands. By focusing on God's word and His Kingdom, we can resist the influence of the world's systems and live according to God's will.

Life Application

Applying the Sermon to Your Life

This week, challenge yourself to focus on Jesus and His Kingdom. Reflect on the areas of your life where you may have been influenced by the world's systems and make a conscious effort to align your thoughts and actions with God's commands.

Questions to Reflect On

1. Are there areas in your life where you have been postponing joy and deliverance to the future instead of seeking God's Kingdom now?

2. How can you better reflect God's light in the darkness around you?

3. What steps can you take to guard your heart against thoughts and beliefs that contradict God's commands?

By embracing the Kingdom of God and staying focused on Jesus, we can experience His transformative power in our lives. Let's rise, shine, and bring His light to a world in need.


Staying focused on Jesus and embracing the Kingdom of God is not just a spiritual exercise but a practical way to navigate through life's challenges. By listening to and obeying God's commands, we can experience His blessings and protection. This week let's commit to living in the Kingdom of God and reflecting His light in the darkness. Amen.


September 17th, 2024
Understanding God's Healing Nature: A Sermon Summary


In this week's sermon, we delved into the profound nature of God as our healer, focusing on the biblical foundation found in Exodus 15:26. The message emphasized God's unwavering desire to heal and bless His people, contrasting this with common misconceptions about God's character. Let's explore the key points and lessons from this enlightening sermon.

Who is Jehovah Rapha?

The Eternal Healer

Exodus 15:26 introduces God as Jehovah Rapha, the eternal healer. This name reveals God's intrinsic nature to heal, bless, and restore. He is not a God who inflicts sickness or punishment but one who continuously heals and desires our well-being.

Misconceptions About God's Character

Many have been misled to believe that God sometimes inflicts sickness or withholds healing. This contradicts His character as Jehovah Rapha. God is love, and His actions are always rooted in love and healing, not in punishment or harm.

The Importance of Listening to God's Voice

Obedience and Blessing

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 outlines the blessings that come from diligently listening to and obeying God's commandments. These blessings encompass every aspect of life, from health and prosperity to protection and favor.

The Consequences of Disobedience

Conversely, Deuteronomy 28:15-68 details the curses that result from disobedience. These curses are not direct punishments from God but the natural consequences of living apart from His protective presence and guidance.

The Role of Sacrifice and Atonement

The Shedding of Blood

From the very beginning, God instituted the shedding of blood as a means of atonement for sin. This was evident when He provided animal skins to cover Adam and Eve's nakedness, symbolizing the covering of their sins.

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross is the ultimate fulfillment of this principle. Galatians 3:13-14 explains that Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. His sacrifice ensures that we can receive the blessing of Abraham and the promise of the Spirit.

Miscommunication and Misunderstanding

The Challenge of Interpretation

Miscommunication often leads to misunderstandings about God's nature. Just as text messages can be misinterpreted, so can the scriptures if not understood in the right context. It's crucial to interpret God's word correctly to grasp His true character.

The Devil's Deception

The devil's greatest tactic is to distort our perception of God, making us believe that He is punitive rather than loving. This deception alienates us from God's life-giving presence and leads to unnecessary suffering.

Life Application

Embrace God's Healing Nature

This week, challenge yourself to embrace God's nature as Jehovah Rapha. Reflect on areas in your life where you may have misunderstood God's intentions and replace those misconceptions with the truth of His love and healing.

Questions for Reflection

1. Do I truly believe that God desires to heal and bless me?

2. Are there areas in my life where I have misunderstood God's character?

3. How can I better align my thoughts and actions with God's commandments to experience His blessings?

Practical Steps

1. **Daily Reflection**: Spend time each day reflecting on God's promises of healing and blessing found in the scriptures.

2. **Prayer**: Ask God to reveal any misconceptions you may have about His nature and to help you embrace His love and healing.

3. **Obedience**: Make a conscious effort to listen to and obey God's voice in your daily life, trusting that His guidance leads to blessings.


Understanding God as Jehovah Rapha transforms our perception of Him and our relationship with Him. He is not a God who punishes but a loving Father who heals, blesses, and restores. By aligning our lives with His word and embracing His true nature, we can experience the fullness of His blessings. Let this truth guide you this week as you walk in the knowledge of God's unwavering love and healing power.

September 11th, 2024

Arise and Shine: Embracing the Light 

in a World of Darkness


In a world often shrouded in darkness, it can be challenging to find our way. Yet, the Bible calls us to "arise and shine" because our light has come. This week's sermon, based on Isaiah 60, encourages us to awaken from our spiritual slumber, embrace the light of Christ, and live with purpose and strength. Let's delve into the key points and life applications from this powerful message.

Understanding the Darkness

What Does the Bible Say About Darkness?

Isaiah 60:1-2 tells us, "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you." This passage highlights the pervasive darkness in the world, which blinds minds and hinders understanding.

The Impact of Darkness on Our Lives

Darkness can lead to a seated, defeated position, making it easy for the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy. It oppresses and takes away joy, but the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). We are called to be strong and courageous, just as God instructed Joshua.

Arise and Shine: Embracing the Light

How Do We Arise from Darkness?

To arise from darkness, we must look for the light. The Bible prophesies that people who sat in darkness saw a great light (Matthew 4:16). Sitting in darkness signifies a state of defeat, but God calls us to stand up and shine.

The Importance of Awareness

We need to be aware of our surroundings and not live in a brain-dead state. Ephesians 5:14 says, "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Awareness helps us navigate through life and avoid the pitfalls set by the enemy.

The Strength to Overcome

Why Do We Need Strength?

Being a Christian requires strength. It takes a strong spirit to overcome obstacles and resist the temptations of the enemy. Ephesians 6:10 encourages us to "be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."

How Do We Put on Strength?

Isaiah 52:1 urges us to "awake, awake, put on your strength, Zion; put on your garments of splendor, Jerusalem." This means putting on the breastplate of righteousness and standing firm against the enemy.

Living with Purpose

What Does It Mean to Live with Purpose?

Living with purpose means not setting our Christianity on cruise control. We are called to press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ (Philippians 3:14). This involves being proactive and intentional in our faith journey.

The Dangers of Complacency

Complacency can lead to spiritual accidents. Just as distracted driving can cause physical accidents, a distracted spiritual life can lead to spiritual downfall. We must stay alert and focused on our path.

Life Application

How Can We Apply This Sermon to Our Lives?

1. **Awaken from Spiritual Slumber**: Reflect on areas in your life where you may have become complacent. Ask God to help you awaken and become more aware of His presence and guidance.

2. **Embrace the Light**: Identify the "darkness" in your life—whether it's fear, doubt, or sin—and actively seek the light of Christ to overcome it.

3. **Strengthen Your Faith**: Engage in spiritual disciplines such as prayer, Bible study, and fellowship to build your spiritual strength.

4. **Live with Purpose**: Set specific spiritual goals and take intentional steps towards achieving them. Remember, you are called to run the race with perseverance (Hebrews 12:1).

Questions for Reflection

1. **What areas of my life are shrouded in darkness, and how can I seek the light of Christ in those areas? **

2. **Am I living my Christian life on cruise control, or am I actively pursuing my spiritual goals?**

3. **How can I strengthen my faith to overcome the obstacles I face? **

4. **What steps can I take this week to live with more purpose and intention in my faith journey?**


God calls us to arise from the darkness and shine His light in the world. By awakening from our spiritual slumber, embracing the light, and living with purpose, we can overcome the challenges we face and fulfill God's calling on our lives. This week, let's commit to being more aware, strengthening our faith, and running the race set before us with perseverance and purpose.


September 6th, 2024

Wake up & Arise: Let Your Light Shine


Welcome to our weekly sermon summary! This week, we delved into Isaiah 60, exploring the profound message of rising above darkness and focusing on Jesus. This summary will help you grasp the key points and apply them to your life. Let's dive in!

The Prophetic Word for 2024

What Does Isaiah 60 Say?

Isaiah 60:1-2 states, "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you."

The Importance of Focus

In 2024, what we focus on and the words we speak will shape our reality. As darkness increases, our focus on Jesus and His word becomes crucial. Are you moving forward in your faith, or are you coasting?

The Deceptive Lie: "God is in Control"

Understanding God's Role

A common misconception is that God controls everything, including evil. This belief can lead to frustration and misunderstanding. God gave dominion to man, and the presence of evil is due to Satan's influence, not God's will.

The Role of Man

God has given us the authority to overcome challenges. We must recognize that while God is sovereign, He does not orchestrate evil events. Instead, He provides us with the strength and wisdom to navigate through them.

The Call to Arise and Shine

Facing Darkness

Darkness and gross darkness cover the earth, but God calls us to arise and shine. This means looking for the light of God's word in every situation. When facing challenges, seek Jesus and His guidance.

The Power of God's Word

God's word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. By focusing on His word, we can navigate through darkness and overcome obstacles. Are you looking for Jesus in your circumstances?

The Danger of Escapism

Entertainment and Brain Activity

In times of pain and difficulty, it's tempting to escape through entertainment. However, excessive entertainment can lead to a "brain-dead" state, where we are not aware of our surroundings or God's voice.

The Need for Awareness

God wants us to be sober-minded and vigilant. This means being aware of our circumstances and actively seeking His guidance. Are you numbing yourself with entertainment, or are you seeking God's wisdom?

Resisting the Devil

The Importance of Faith

1 Peter 5:8-9 urges us to be sober and vigilant because our adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion. We must resist him firmly in the faith. Faith comes by hearing the word of God.

Guarding Our Minds

We must guard our minds and hearts, being careful about what we watch and listen to. By focusing on God's word, we can resist the devil's attempts to deceive and distract us.

Life Application

Applying the Sermon to Your Life

This week, challenge yourself to focus on Jesus and His word. When facing difficulties, look for the light of God's guidance instead of seeking escape through entertainment. Be vigilant and aware of your surroundings, and resist the devil with faith.

Questions to Reflect On

1. Are you moving forward in your faith, or are you coasting?

2. How can you focus more on Jesus and His word in your daily life?

3. Are you numbing yourself with entertainment, or are you seeking God's wisdom?

4. How can you guard your mind and heart against the devil's deceptions?

By reflecting on these questions and applying the sermon to your life, you can rise above darkness and shine with the glory of God. Let's commit to seeking Jesus and His guidance in every situation. Amen!


August 28th, 2024

Stay Focused on Jesus: 

A Path to Victory


In our latest sermon series, "Stay Focused on Jesus," we delve into the essential elements that will guide us to victory, freedom, and fulfillment in 2024. This message is rooted in the teachings of Isaiah 60 and Joshua 1, emphasizing the importance of focus, faith, and the words we speak. Let's explore these transformative principles and how they can shape our lives.

The Three Keys to Victory

Who You Focus On

God has a unique path for each of us, a race we are called to run. It's our adventure to discover this path, and it begins with keeping our focus on the Lord. Many people, including ministers, live their entire lives without discovering their true calling. This is not just for a chosen few; every one of us is chosen and called to be ministers of reconciliation.

What Words You Focus On

Our natural bloodline should not define us. By confessing Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we receive a new bloodline and become children of God. This new identity is crucial for understanding who we are and where we are going. We must focus on God's words and promises, which are a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.

What Words You Speak

Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. It's not hard to walk by faith when we simply believe what God says. However, if we don't know what God says, we will struggle. Our words have power, and what we speak will determine our reality. Complaining and murmuring will keep us stuck, but speaking God's promises will lead us to victory.

Arise and Shine

Isaiah 60:1-2

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you."

God commands us to arise and shine, to live out our faith openly. We are to be different from the world, peculiar in our thoughts, words, and actions. This difference will be evident to others, and it may even bring criticism. But remember, if you're not facing any persecution, you might not be a threat to the enemy.

Joshua 1:1-9

Joshua was about to lead the Israelites to take possession of the Promised Land. God instructed him to be strong and courageous, to keep the Book of the Law always on his lips, and to meditate on it day and night. This is the pattern for us to follow: focus on God's word, speak it, and meditate on it continually.

The Wilderness Experience

Lessons from the Wilderness

The wilderness represents worldly ways of thinking that God wants to purge from us. What we learn in the wilderness will determine our success in taking possession of God's promises. The Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness, a journey that should have taken only a few days. This teaches us the importance of focusing on God's word and promises to navigate through life's challenges.

Diligence and Faith

Hebrews 6:9-12 emphasizes the importance of diligence and faith. We are to be imitators of those who, through faith and patience, inherit the promises. This requires us to be diligent, not lazy, and to hold onto God's promises with steadfast faith.

Life Application

Applying the Sermon to Your Life

To apply these principles to your life, start by identifying the areas where you need to shift your focus. Are you focusing on the wrong things? Are your words aligned with God's promises? Here are some steps to help you:

1. **Identify Your Focus**: Determine who or what you are focusing on. Is it aligned with God's word?

2. **Speak God's Promises**: Write down scriptures and speak them daily. Place them in visible areas like your nightstand, bathroom mirror, or refrigerator.

3. **Meditate on the Word**: Spend time each day meditating on God's word. Let it guide your thoughts and actions.

4. **Be Diligent and Patient**: Hold onto God's promises with faith and patience. Don't be discouraged by challenges; see them as opportunities for God to work in your life.

Questions to Reflect On

1. **Who or what am I focusing on in my daily life?**

2. **Are my words aligned with God's promises, or am I speaking negativity and doubt?**

3. **How can I incorporate more time for meditating on God's word?**

4. **Am I being diligent and patient in my faith journey, or am I easily discouraged?**

By focusing on Jesus, speaking His promises, and meditating on His word, we can navigate through life's challenges and take possession of the promises God has for us. Let's arise and shine, for our light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon us. Amen.


August 22nd, 2024

Arise and Shine: 

Navigating Darkness with God's Light


In a world filled with darkness and deception, how can we, as believers, navigate through it successfully? This week's sermon, based on Isaiah 60, provides profound insights into focusing on God, His Word, and the power of our spoken words. Let's delve into the key points and life applications from this powerful message.

The Call to Arise and Shine

What Does It Mean to Arise?

Isaiah 60:1-3 calls us to "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." Arising means to stand up, to become powerful, and to perform or produce fruit. It signifies stepping out of darkness and into the light of God's presence and His Word.

Understanding Darkness

Darkness in the Bible often symbolizes deception and evil. 2 Corinthians 4:4 warns us that the god of this world blinds the minds of unbelievers. Satan, like a roaring lion, seeks to devour us through suggestive thoughts and lies. Therefore, we must guard our hearts and be vigilant about what we allow into our minds and spirits.

Three Key Focus Areas for 2024

1. Focus on God

Our primary focus should be on God. In a world filled with distractions, it's crucial to keep our eyes fixed on Him. This means spending time in prayer, worship, and meditation on His Word.

2. Focus on His Word

God's Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). It is through His Word that we gain wisdom, strength, and direction. We must immerse ourselves in the Scriptures and let them guide our decisions and actions.

3. Pay Attention to Our Words

Our words have power. Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." We must be mindful of what we speak, ensuring that our words align with God's truth and promises.

Guarding Our Hearts

The Importance of Protection

Proverbs 4:23 instructs us to guard our hearts with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life. Just as we fiercely protect our loved ones, we must protect our hearts from negative influences and deceptive thoughts.

Practical Steps

- **Be Selective with Media**: Be cautious about what you watch, read, and listen to. Not all content is beneficial for your spiritual well-being.

- **Surround Yourself with Godly Influences**: Engage with people who uplift and encourage you in your faith journey.

- **Stay Rooted in Scripture**: Regularly read and meditate on the Bible to strengthen your heart and mind.

Recognizing and Resisting Deception

The Enemy's Tactics

Satan uses deception to lead us astray. He often presents half-truths and manipulates situations to create fear and doubt. We must be quick to recognize his schemes and stand firm in God's truth.

Jesus' Example

In Luke 4, Jesus resisted Satan's temptations by quoting Scripture. He demonstrated the importance of knowing and speaking God's Word in the face of deception. We, too, must be equipped with the Word to counter the enemy's lies.

Living in God's Favor

The Power of God's Glory

Isaiah 60:1-2 speaks of God's glory rising upon us. This glory represents His presence, honor, and favor. When we walk in God's favor, we experience His protection and blessings, making it difficult for the world to disrespect or harm us.

Expecting Favor

As believers, we can expect God's favor to surround us like a shield (Psalm 5:12). This favor opens doors, brings promotion, and ensures that we are treated with honor and respect.

Life Application

Applying the Sermon to Your Life

This week, challenge yourself to focus on God, His Word, and the power of your words. Guard your heart diligently and be quick to recognize and resist deception. Expect God's favor to manifest in your life as you walk in His light.

Reflective Questions

1. How can I better focus on God in my daily life?

2. What steps can I take to immerse myself more in God's Word?

3. Are there any negative influences I need to remove from my life to better guard my heart?

4. How can I use my words to align with God's truth and promises?

5. In what areas of my life do I need to expect and declare God's favor?

By applying these principles, you can navigate through the darkness of this world with confidence, knowing that God's light and glory are upon you. Arise and shine, for your light has come!


August 16th 2024

Arise and Shine: 

Embracing God's Light in a Dark World


"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you." (Isaiah 60:1) This powerful verse from Isaiah sets the foundation for understanding how we, as Christians, are called to live differently in a world often shrouded in darkness. This sermon explores the importance of embracing God's light, understanding the boundaries He sets for us, and the necessity of walking in His wisdom to navigate the challenges of life.

Understanding the Darkness

What Does the Bible Say About Darkness?

Isaiah 60:2 warns us that "darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the people." This isn't just physical darkness but a spiritual and moral blindness that affects understanding and behavior. Ephesians 4:17-19 further elaborates on this, describing how unbelievers walk in the "vanity of their mind," with their understanding darkened and excluded from the life of God due to ignorance.

How Does Darkness Affect Us?

Darkness leads to confusion and a lack of understanding. It causes people to believe lies and live in ways that are contrary to God's will. This spiritual blindness can make it difficult to see the truth and understand God's purpose for our lives.

Walking in the Light

What Does It Mean to Walk in the Light?

Walking in the light means living according to God's word and His wisdom. Ephesians 4:17 instructs us not to walk as unbelievers do but to live in a way that reflects our faith in Christ. This involves making decisions, speaking, and acting in ways that glorify God.

How Can We Walk in the Light?

1. **Embrace God's Word**: The Bible is our guide. Regularly reading and meditating on Scripture helps us understand God's will and align our lives with His teachings.

2. **Seek God's Wisdom**: Pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation. Ask God to open your eyes to His truth and help you see beyond the darkness of this world.

3. **Live Differently**: Our behavior should set us apart from unbelievers. When people look at us, they should see a reflection of Christ in our actions and words.

The Importance of Boundaries

Why Does God Set Boundaries?

Boundaries are not meant to restrict us but to protect us. Just as laws are established to maintain order and safety, God's boundaries are designed to keep us from harm and lead us to freedom. Isaiah 53:5 reminds us that transgressing these boundaries leads to wounds and suffering.

How Do Boundaries Lead to Freedom?

By following God's boundaries, we avoid the pitfalls of sin and the consequences that come with it. Boundaries help us live in a way that honors God and brings blessings into our lives. They guide us in making choices that lead to peace, joy, and fulfillment.

Overcoming the Wilderness

What is the Wilderness Experience?

The wilderness represents the challenges and trials we face in life. Just as the Israelites had to navigate the wilderness before reaching the Promised Land, we too must go through difficult times. However, these experiences are opportunities for growth and learning to trust in God's guidance.

How Can We Navigate the Wilderness?

1. **Listen to God's Voice**: John 10:3-4 tells us that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, leads His sheep by His voice. We must learn to recognize and follow His guidance.

2. **Trust in God's Promises**: God's word is filled with promises that provide hope and direction. By holding onto these promises, we can find strength and courage to face any challenge.

3. **Stay Focused on the Light**: In the midst of darkness, keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the light that guides us through the wilderness and leads us to the Promised Land.

Life Application

How Can We Apply This Message to Our Lives?

1. **Seek God's Word Daily**: Start each day by reading and meditating on Scripture. Let God's word be the light that guides your path.

2. **Set Boundaries**: Identify areas in your life where you need to establish or reinforce boundaries. Ask God for wisdom and strength to stay within these boundaries.

3. **Trust in God's Promises**: Write down a promise from God's word that speaks to your current situation. Meditate on it and declare it over your life.

Questions to Reflect On

1. **Am I living in a way that reflects my faith in Christ?**

2. **Are there areas in my life where I have crossed God's boundaries?**

3. **How can I better listen to and follow God's voice in my daily life?**


God calls us to arise and shine in a world filled with darkness. By embracing His light, following His boundaries, and trusting in His promises, we can navigate the challenges of life and experience the freedom and blessings He has for us. This week, take time to seek God's word, set boundaries, and trust in His promises. Let His light guide you and empower you to live a life that glorifies Him.


August 7th, 2024

God's Healing and Deliverance


In this week's sermon, we will dive into the profound truths of God's word, focusing on His desire to heal and deliver us. The message is rooted in the scriptures, particularly Exodus 15:26 and John 7:37-38, emphasizing the importance of listening to God's voice and believing in His word. This article will help you grasp the key points and apply them to your life.

The Power of God's Word

How Does God Liberate His Children?

God liberates His children through His spoken word. When we diligently listen to His voice, we receive direction and healing. Negative emotions like depression, anxiety, and anger often indicate that we are listening to the wrong voice. Our thoughts produce emotions, and if our thoughts are aligned with God's word, our emotions will reflect His peace and joy.

The Enemy's Tactics

Satan, the thief, comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He uses a smoke screen of thoughts and suggestions to defile our minds and stir up negative emotions. However, we have the power to stop these thoughts from taking root in our hearts. By focusing on God's word, we can prevent the enemy from controlling our lives.

Drinking from Jesus

What Does It Mean to Drink from Jesus?

In John 7:37-38, Jesus invites those who are thirsty to come to Him and drink. Drinking from Jesus means believing in what He has said. It's not just about intellectual knowledge but about believing in our hearts. When we believe the scriptures, rivers of living water, representing the Holy Spirit, flow from within us, bringing life and healing.

The Importance of Believing the Scriptures

Believing the scriptures is crucial for experiencing the flow of the Holy Spirit. It's not enough to intellectually agree with God's word; we must believe it in our hearts. This belief transforms our lives and allows the Holy Spirit to work through us, producing miracles and bringing healing.

The Role of the Heart

Healing the Brokenhearted

Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted. The revelation of the heart is essential for understanding and experiencing God's healing. It's not about memorizing scripture but about allowing God's word to penetrate our hearts and transform our beliefs.

The Power of Revelation

When we receive revelation from God's word, it touches the core of our souls and brings about emotional and spiritual healing. This revelation leads to a deeper understanding of God's love and forgiveness, enabling us to walk in freedom and victory.

God's Promises of Healing

God's Commitment to Healing

In Exodus 15:26, God promises to heal those who diligently listen to His voice and follow His commandments. He understands the chaos in the world and provides His word as a means of guidance and healing. Psalm 103:3 reinforces this promise, stating that God forgives all our iniquities and heals all our diseases.

The Importance of Listening to God's Voice

Listening to God's voice is essential for experiencing His healing and blessings. Deuteronomy 28:1-14 outlines the blessings that come from diligently hearkening to God's voice. These blessings include health, prosperity, and protection from enemies.

Life Application

Applying God's Word to Our Lives

To experience God's healing and deliverance, we must actively listen to His voice and believe His word. This involves spending time in prayer, reading the scriptures, and allowing God's word to penetrate our hearts. By doing so, we open ourselves to the flow of the Holy Spirit, which brings life and healing.

Questions to Reflect On

1. Are you diligently listening to God's voice in your daily life?

2. Do you believe in your heart what the scriptures say about your healing and deliverance?

3. How can you make more time to immerse yourself in God's word and allow it to transform your beliefs?

Challenge for the Week

This week, challenge yourself to spend more time in God's word. Choose a scripture that speaks to your current situation and meditate on it daily. Allow God's word to penetrate your heart and transform your beliefs. As you do, expect to see the flow of the Holy Spirit bringing life and healing to every area of your life.


God's desire is for us to walk in freedom and healing. By diligently listening to His voice and believing His word, we can experience the flow of the Holy Spirit, bringing life and miracles into our lives. Let us commit to immersing ourselves in God's word and allowing it to transform our hearts, leading us to a life of victory and freedom.


July 31st 2024

Stay Focused on Jesus: Overcoming Darkness with Faith


In a world filled with chaos and confusion, it's easy to lose focus and feel overwhelmed. However, as believers, we are called to keep our eyes on Jesus and trust in His word. This week's sermon delves into the importance of staying focused on Jesus, especially when darkness seems to cover the earth. Let's explore the key points and lessons from this powerful message.

The Power of Focus

Who You Focus On Matters

God has given us three directives: who you keep your focus on, what words you pay attention to, and what words you speak will determine your reality. In times of chaos and confusion, it's crucial to keep our focus on Jesus. The enemy, Satan, walks around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. However, he is not the true lion; Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

The Lion's Attitude

The lion is not the strongest, biggest, or smartest animal in the jungle, yet it is the king. Why? Because of its attitude and belief. Similarly, Satan tries to mimic God to gain an advantage over us. He is always talking, trying to deceive us. But we must remember that Jesus is our wisdom and the spoken word of God. He is always trying to reach, lead, and guide us.

The Good Shepherd

Knowing His Voice

Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and His sheep know His voice. Just like the sheep in the pasture who only respond to their shepherd's call, we must learn to recognize and follow Jesus' voice. He leads us to find pasture and rest for our souls.

Walking Through the Valley

We will face valleys and dark times, but we must walk through them by listening to the right voice—the voice of Jesus. He leads us through the valley of the shadow of death, and we need not fear any evil.

Arise and Shine

Isaiah 60:1-2

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall be seen upon you."

Even though darkness covers the earth, it does not have to overwhelm us. We are called to arise and shine because the light of God's word has come to us.

The Command to Arise

The word "arise" means to stand up, become powerful, and come on the scene. It signifies enduring, being established, and producing fruit. When the light of God's word comes, it empowers us to rise above our circumstances.

The Battle for the Word

Mark 4:14-19

The parable of the sower teaches us that Satan comes immediately to steal the word sown in our hearts. If he can't steal it directly, he will use distractions to choke the word, making it unfruitful. We must guard our hearts and focus on the word of God.

Tribulations Will Come

Jesus said, "In the world, you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Tribulations are inevitable, but we can have peace in Jesus and overcome the world through Him.

Fight the Good Fight of Faith

1 Timothy 6:12

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto you are also called." We are summoned to fight the good fight of faith and lay hold of the God-kind of life. This requires us to be proactive and not passive in our faith.

Taking the Kingdom by Force

Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force" (Matthew 11:12). We must rise up with hostile intent against the enemy and take back what he has tried to steal from us.

Life Application

Applying the Word

This week, challenge yourself to focus on Jesus and His word. Identify a specific promise from the Bible that you can stand on and believe for in your life. Guard your heart against distractions and negative thoughts that try to choke the word.

Questions to Reflect On

1. Who or what are you focusing on in your daily life?

2. Are you listening to the voice of the Good Shepherd, or are you being distracted by the enemy's roar?

3. What specific promise from God's word are you standing on and believing for?

4. How can you actively fight the good fight of faith in your current circumstances?


Take time each day to meditate on God's word and listen for His voice. Write down the promises you are believing for and declare them over your life. When tribulations come, remember to be of good cheer, for Jesus has overcome the world. Arise and shine, for your light has come!

By keeping our focus on Jesus and His word, we can navigate through the darkness and emerge victorious. Let's rise up with faith and take hold of the abundant life God has promised us.


July 24th 2024
Stay Focused on Jesus: Overcoming Darkness with the Light of Christ


In a world filled with distractions and darkness, it is crucial to keep our focus on Jesus. This message, based on Isaiah 60 and other biblical passages, emphasizes the importance of staying connected to God's word and allowing His light to guide us through challenging times. Let's delve into the key points of this powerful sermon and discover how we can apply these lessons to our daily lives.

The Vision: Walking with God

A Divine Encounter

I had vision that I experienced in 2023. In this vision, I walked hand in hand with God the Father in an open field. As we conversed, a swirling darkness began to encroach, symbolizing the distractions and challenges that pull us away from God.

The Purpose of Darkness

Darkness is designed to distract and imprison us, causing us to question and lose focus on our divine path. As stated in 2 Corinthians 4:4, Satan, the god of this world, blinds the minds of unbelievers. This vision serves as a reminder that we must stay focused on God to navigate through the darkness.

Biblical Examples: Peter and Jesus

Peter Walking on Water

The story of Peter walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33) illustrates how focusing on Jesus enables us to do the impossible. When Peter noticed the storm and took his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink. This teaches us that distractions can lead to our downfall, but calling out to Jesus can save us.

Jesus Calming the Storm

Jesus' ability to calm the storm (Mark 4:35-41) demonstrates His power over darkness and chaos. By focusing on Jesus, we can find peace and stability even in the midst of life's storms.

The Power of Words and Focus

Words Shape Reality

In 2024, the words we focus on and speak will determine our reality. Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. By focusing on God's word and speaking His promises, we can shape a reality filled with His light and glory.

The Assassination Attempt

The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump serves as a stark reminder of the evil present in the world. Despite the attack, God's protection was evident. This incident underscores the importance of focusing on God's protection and not being swayed by fear.

Arise and Shine: Isaiah 60

The Call to Arise

Isaiah 60:1-3 calls us to "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." This passage encourages us to rise above the darkness by embracing God's light and glory.

The Light of Jesus

Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12). By following Him, we will not walk in darkness but have the light of life. This light illuminates our path and dispels the darkness, enabling us to see clearly and walk confidently.

The Armor of God: Ephesians 6

Spiritual Protection

Ephesians 6:11 instructs us to put on the whole armor of God to stand against the devil's schemes. This armor includes truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the word of God. By equipping ourselves with these spiritual tools, we can withstand the enemy's attacks.

The Importance of Focus

Paying attention to what we hear and see is crucial. The world constantly bombards us with messages that can lead us astray. By focusing on God's word and tuning out the noise, we can stay aligned with His will.

Life Application

Embrace the Light

To navigate through the darkness, we must embrace the light of Jesus and His word. This week, challenge yourself to spend more time in prayer and scripture, allowing God's light to illuminate your path.

Questions for Reflection

1. What distractions are pulling you away from focusing on Jesus?

2. How can you incorporate more of God's word into your daily routine?

3. Are there areas in your life where you need to call out to Jesus for help?

A Challenge for the Week

This week, make a conscious effort to focus on Jesus and His word. Whenever you feel overwhelmed by darkness or distractions, take a moment to pray and read scripture. Let God's light guide you and bring peace to your heart.


Staying focused on Jesus is essential for overcoming the darkness in our lives. By embracing His light and speaking His word, we can navigate through challenges and experience His peace and protection. Let us rise and shine, for our light has come, and the glory of the Lord is upon us.