“There shall not any
man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life.” (Joshua 1:5)
The word “stand” here in Joshua 1:5 means “to stand in a
stationary position in order to block you.” God was telling Joshua that no man or
circumstance would be able to stand in front of him to block him from inheriting
the land God promised to the children of Israel.
This is an insider truth that we need to grab hold of. We must realize that just because a promise
of God, such as healing, deliverance, or prosperity, seems to be waning, does not mean that God is withholding it from
You have an enemy, his name is Satan. His sole purpose is to destroy you. He is intensely jealous of you and hates
He will try to block, and hinder you from receiving what God
has already given you. There will be
people, situations, mountains, valleys, storms and thorns that Satan will use to
stop you from taking possession of what God has promised you.
God revealed to Joshua, that men would attempt to stand and
block him from taking the Promised Land.
But even though they would come against him, they would not prevail
against him.