"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted...." - Luke 4:18
I am personally inviting you to the RSMI Bible Fellowship Group meetings starting Thursday November 6th 2014 at International Word Fellowship Church 827 4th Ave NE in Austin MN, starting at 6:30pm.
These meetings will be filled with the love of God a healing anointing, good music, good food, Christian fellowship, and prayer.
The main purpose for these fellowship meetings are to bring healing to the broken hearted.
At these meetings, you will begin to literally feel the unconditional love of the Father, in a safe, affirming environment, that will literally begin transforming your life, as well assisting you in making your connection to the body of Christ, by establishing solid unconditional loving relationships with others.
In reality there's not a person on this earth that hasn't suffered from a broken heart. Most in the body of Christ have no idea what it means to have a broken heart. And yet, our hearts are where we need the healing presence of the Father and His Word the most.
Many of us have been wounded in our heart for so long that we have formed strongholds (walls of thoughts that exalt themselves against the knowledge of Christ). These walls of false beliefs keep us in prison, separating us from experiencing the life and love of God.
Only God through Jesus Christ can destroy these strongholds, heal our wounds, and open those prison doors.
Come and experience the powerful, loving ministry of Pastor Rory Synoground.
Pastor Rory ministers the Word of God with a healing anointing that will impact your life forever.
We look forward in seeing you here!